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AmblesideOnline: Pericles This study represents a great deal of research, thought and work. We offer it to be used freely, and hope it will be a blessing to many students and parents. However, out of respect for this work, please honor our long-standing terms of use, and do not repost this or any of the AO curriculum anywhere else, in any form.

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This copyrighted material is free to use, not free to repost or republish. Please be conscientious in your desire to share AO, and link instead of copying. Trench Warfare Game 1944 Dime. From Plutarch's Lives Study Guide by Anne White Introduction to Pericles 'The fullest ancient account of the career of Pericles comes from a biography.written in his native Greek by Plutarch of Chaeronea toward the end of the first century A.D. Plutarch was a moralist rather than a historian, and he lived five centuries later than his subject, but his Life of Pericles has great value. Plutarch had an excellent library containing many works now lost to us, some written by contemporaries of Pericles and by men of the next generation. He read the inscriptions of ancient documents and saw paintings, sculptures, and buildings that no longer exist. When used with care, his work is an outstanding source of authentic information.'

Donald Kagan, Pericles of Athens and the Birth of Democracy 'We find Plutarch's Lives exceedingly inspiring. These are read by the teacher... And narrated with great spirit by the children. Dell D830 Video Driver Windows 7 there. They learn to answer such questions as,--' In what ways did Pericles make Athens beautiful? How did he persuade the people to help him?' And we may hope that the idea is engendered of preserving and increasing the beauty of their own neighbourhood without the staleness which comes of much exhortation.

Again, they will answer,- 'How did Pericles manage the people in time of war lest they should force him to act against his own judgment?' And from such knowledge as this we may suppose that the children begin to get a sympathetic view of the problems of statesmanship.' Download Korean Drama With Vietnamese Dubstep on this page.

Charlotte Mason, Philosophy of Education In writing last term's notes for Plutarch's Life of Dion, I found there were not many sources of information on him besides Plutarch himself. This is not so with Pericles!

He is mentioned, to one extent or another, in any school book on Ancient Greece; many AmblesideOnline students will already have read something about him in history lessons (see the list below). To others, this story may be new.

My hope is that this study will be interesting for those who have heard much of it before, and still helpful to those who are just learning about the Golden Age. Here are the AmblesideOnline books I found that refer to Pericles: since many of you will have these already, they are a good place to get some background material on the story. In particular you could look up the Persian Wars, since the story of Pericles begins shortly after that war. It would also be helpful to find a book or website with pictures of the Acropolis in Athens, since Pericles was responsible for the buildings there. A Child's History of the World, by V.

Chapters 23, Greece vs. Persia; 24, Fighting Mad; 25, One Against a Thousand; 26, The Golden Age; 27, When Greek Meets Greek. Or Hillyer and Huey's Young People's Story of the Ancient World, chapters from Greece vs. Persia to The Golden Age of Pericles. Van Loon's The Story of Mankind treats Pericles briefly, but gives less information than Hillyer does. Guerber Story of the Greeks, chapters LVII through LXIII. These books are useful for further information: Temple on a Hill: The Building of the Parthenon, by Anne Rockwell.

Don't be deceived by the large print: this book goes beyond the Parthenon itself and describes the background of the Persian War and the reasons for the Peloponnesian War (which ended the Golden Age). It was published in 1969 but may still be available in libraries. Famous Men of Greece, published by Greenleaf Press; chapter 18. The Greeks, by H. This classic Pelican Book is still available on Amazon.