Car Number Plate Recognition Software

Car Plate Recognition Software

For years now, specialized LPR cameras have been used mounted in fixed locations or on police cars. These devices scan passing license plates using optical character recognition technology, checking each plate against a 'hot list' of stolen or wanted vehicles. The devices can read up to 60 plates per. License Plate Recognition Number Plate Recognition Automatic Vehicle Identification Car Plate Readers Recognition Software Plate Recognition Devices. We design, manufacture and market both OCR software and integrated OCR devices for Automatic Recognition of Vehicle License Plates: processing vehicle.

What is ANPR? ANPR is an abbreviation for Automatic Number Plate Recognition. ANPR () can be used to store the images captured by the cameras as well as the text from the license plate, with some configurable to store a photograph of the driver. Systems commonly use infrared lighting to allow the camera to take the picture at any time of the day. Technology is the industry choice for high-profile applications worldwide including: • Motorway service stations • Retail and Leisure car parks • Private estates • Traffic monitoring and congestion charging schemes • Access control points • Car park management • Parking overstay management • Automated warnings of unwanted or unauthorised vehicles • Automated distribution delivery / collection • Conducting traffic and parking flow surveys • Site access control • Enhancing site security.

I’ve been asked about license plate recognition many times and how can one capture readable plates day & night. The answer is actually counter-intuitive to what most people think. I’ve tested a few solutions from a free open source solution to costly commercial solutions. Some people want the ability to just be able to read a license plate in a video and some want to be able to record license plate numbers as text along with a picture of the car so I broke it down both ways. License Plate Identification I’ll start with the first as it’s the simplest. Most cameras are capable of viewing license plates during the day as long as the plate is large enough to read the numbers.

Axis recommends that numbers/letters on the plate be at least 15 pixels tall. You can always buy a higher resolution camera and narrower field of view (telephoto) lens to reach that goal.

The problem comes at night. Most people have a nice wide view of an area and when they look at a license plate at night, it’s usually not visible because the headlights or brake lights overwhelm the plate number or the reflectivity of the plate makes seeing numbers impossible, like looking at a white empty rectangle.

The reason this happens is because the camera is likely setup to look at a wide area. At night this area is dark. When a car approaches, a very small percentage of the image are the headlights and the camera uses an average exposure to figure out how to expose the image. This causes headlights to overwhelm the camera which can’t react in time or may never react due to the vast field of darkness. Typically all you see for the front of the car is two bright lights with very little evidence of a plate number. Most people’s school of thought is to have as many megapixels as possible to be able to see the plate and still cover a large area to see the activity, but that’s the biggest mistake people make, using a multi-megapixel camera to cover a large area but then fail at night to see plates. To effectively see plates at night you need to have a telephoto lens set in the smallest possible area around the plate.

At most, you should try and capture only the front or rear of the car at about the width of a lane, or about 8′ wide and the narrower, the better. When the headlights come, they will make up the majority of the field of view and the camera will adjust the exposure quicker. Veedu Theda Telugu Movie Songs Free Download. Of course some cameras respond quicker to light changes than others so camera choice is very important. Ms Office 2003 Professional Keygen Mac. Another misconception is they can overcome the headlights using features like wide dynamic range (WDR) and backlight compensation (BLC) and it helps a little, but not enough and not fast enough to process as a car drives. Har Bal Download Free. Sometimes these features hurt because they may introduce additional image noise and ghosting of fast moving objects.